Thursday, 12 March 2015

Crumbling cuts schedule announced by BIS

More of the cuts to Disabled Students Allowance scheduled to hit those entering university this September (2015) have been postponed until next year (academic year 16/17). The specific areas mentioned are additional disability-related accommodation, peripherals (which is likely to mean printers, scanners and ergonomic items related to computers), and consumables (which in DSA terms would mean printing and photocopying costs).

This follows on from the stalling announcement made in September by Greg Clark, which halted the threatened massive reduction in funds available for a wide range of non-medical helper support (such as practical assistants and note-takers).

This time round we have again an announcement written in terms of the universities getting a reprieve, the delay is to “help give institutions the time to review the services they offer to disabled students and make appropriate improvements to meet their needs”. This suggests that the universities, not students nor DSA itself are the intended victims of “rebalancing” and therefore universities would have felt some sort of unacceptable impact as a result of reductions in the number of goods and services available via the DSA. Those of us work with actual students are more used to thinking in student-centred terms so this emphasis on the protection of the welfare of institutions is somewhat strange.  

Bearing in mind a judicial review has been granted to two disabled students, the phrase “the Government would prefer to move forward in a consensual manner (as far as is reasonably possible) rather than through litigation” leaps off the page.